Samsung shows an inkjet-printed 18.2" QD-EL prototype

During Displayweek 2024, Samsung demonstrated its latest display prototypes, focusing mostly on flexible OLEDs, and QD-OLEDs.

The company also showed a 18.2" 3200x1800 (202 PPI) 250 nits QD-EL display, that was produced using an inkjet-printing process, based on cadmium-free QDs.


This was an impressive display, although Samsung did not comment on the technology readiness, and it's clear there's still much R&D required, mostly in increasing the lifetime of the QD-EL emitters, before such displays can be commercialized.

Samsung Display 18.2" QD-EL display at Displayweek 2024 photo
Posted: May 22,2024 by Ron Mertens